September 28, 2012

13 Questions: Miles Lemaire from ShowShow

Miles, along with co-hosts Katie and (sometimes) Beef, can be heard on the ShowShow podcast. What you can expect from them is a relaxed and comedic but knowledgeable approach to movie-talk. Oh, and they also rule the airwaves in October. You see, the ShowShow gang and occasional guests release an episode every day throughout the month of October as part of their annual Howloween Spooktacular, where they review only horror movies - every day! Miles also hosts his own solo horror-themed show called CreepShowShow, which is available on the ShowShow feed on iTunes. If this is all news to you, please check Miles and the gang out at the links below!

1. Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Miles Lemaire (My-ulls Luh-mare) and I live in Long Beach, CA.

 2. Where might people know you from?
People probably don't know me, but if they do it's from ShowShow, which is a medium-popular podcast about movies.

3. When it comes to what you do, who or what are your major influences?
In this case, all kinds of stuff. For the podcast itself, there are two shows that I listened to religiously (and still do, actually) before I started my own: Night of the Living Podcast and whatever Filmspotting used to be called before they changed the name (Cine-something). Those two shows gave me two very different ideas as to what could be done with a podcast, because the formats and hosts were so radically disparate. NOTLP sounded like it was having more fun, so I guess we went closer to that route. But I love radio and remember listening to Phil Hendrie in the car with my mom when I was a kid. He did something that's a little difficult to describe, but essentially, he'd pretend to be a caller or a guest for the show and have a fake conversation with himself on the air. It was the greatest thing to me at the time. I also found The Best Show on WFMU a few years ago, which may be the greatest thing ever. Tom Scharpling and Jon Wurster do longform comedy that's similar to Hendrie, but there's a lot of world building that rewards people who've been listening for years. I'm humbled week after week with that show, because he does it for 3 hours and it's rarely ever unfunny or boring. But to draw the question out even further, I had these Ray Bradbury radio dramas that were based on his short stories like "Here There Be Tigers" when I was a kid. I listened to a lot of old radio dramas (anything even remotely spooky). Now it'd be stuff like RadioLab, the late Hollywood Saloon, and stuff like that. The heavy hitters of radio/podcasting.

Miles, Beef and Katie

4. What four peoples' faces would you put on your own personal Mt. Rushmore?
Robert Z'Dar, Richard Lynch, Ron Perlman and Kim Coates. I want to see Carey Grant climbing around Z'Dar's chin.

5. What's the last album you bought?
Probably the new Timber Timbre, Creep On Creepin On. I don't buy albums as often as I should.

6. What are the last movies you saw in theaters and on DVD/Blu-Ray?
I just saw The Master! If you're a friend of mine on Facebook you may have recetly seen me bragging about that (I'm real cool). DVD was...ready for it? Magnolia! We were getting in the right headspace for some new PTA.

7. What's the last podcast you listened to?
Filmspotting SVU. I have to find work-friendly stuff to pad out my day.

8. What's the last video game you played?
Civilization: Revolution for the iPhone. I'm not a gamer, but I love Advanced Wars for the GBA and this is the closest thing I've found to that in some ways.

9. What's the last book you read?
A Game of Thrones. I go through these weird phases of voracious reading and then drop it for months at a time, but I think I got my fill with those 900 or so pages. I started the second book (A Clash of Kings) and keep wanting to finish it, but I'm either really lazy or really busy.

10. What are your favorite sports teams?
The 1986 Mets

11. What cartoon or comic book character can you relate to the most?
Katie told me that I "Bugs Bunnied" her once, which I guess means trying to flip the conversation by sheer will of verbal confusion. For reals though? I love the idea of Gentleman Ghost, but I don't think I've read enough comics where he's the villain to say one way or another.

12. Create a playlist of ten songs that give people an idea of your musical taste.
Plastic Bertrand "Ca Plane Pour Moi"
Radiohead "Drunken Punch-Up At A Wedding"
Timber Timbre "Blackwater"
Nick Lowe "Sensative Man"
Nancy Sinatra "You Only Live Twice"
The Smiths "Rusholme Ruffians"
Ambrosia "Cowboy Star"
The National "Slow Show"
Silver Jews "Punks In The Beerlight"
The New Pornographers "Moves"

13. If you could spend the day at an amusement park with one person from the entertainment industry, who would it be and why?
One of those pandas who are famous for not fucking and propogating their species in front of a bunch of people at the zoo. I'd take him/her to Sea World.


@showshowist on Twitter - ShowShow on iTunes

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