"With a healthy nod to '80s post-punk and new wave, the Active Set offer a high-energy dose of indie, intelligent and upbeat. They love quirky, driven melodies with smart hooks. Then they like to change their minds, and change it up."
1. Who are you and where are you from?
We're the Active Set from Los Angeles, CA.
2. Where might people know you from?
We've been around for 4+ years, so it's likely you've read a blog post about us, seen us live, etc. We toured with Neon Trees in May, and that brought us a lot of new fans and exposure.
3. When it comes to what you do, who or what are your major influences?
Guitar interplay, great melodies, songs that make you excited as well as make you think.
4. What four peoples' faces would you put on your own personal Mt. Rushmore?
Four of the same face: 'Bad' era Michael Jackson.

5. What's the last album you bought?
Yeasayer's Odd Blood
6. What are the last movies you saw in theaters and on DVD/Blu-Ray?
My brothers made me watch Thor, Iron Man 1 and 2 and Captain America so we could see The Avengers in the theater.

7. What's the last podcast you listened to?
It's been years, so I don't recall.
8. What's the last video game you played?
One of the Grand Theft Auto games, don't recall which one. It was my first time playing one.

9. What's the last book you read?
Currently reading autobiographies of Butch Walker and Brian Eno.
10. What are your favorite sports teams?

11. What cartoon or comic book character can you relate to the most?
Spidey's always been my boy, because he's such a 'regular guy'.
12. Create a playlist of ten songs that give people an idea of your musical taste.
XTC - Respectable Street
Angelo Badalamenti - Twin Peaks Theme
Chairlift - Amanaemonesia
Bloc Party - The Prayer
Hot Hot Heat - Island Of The Honest Man
They Might Be Giants - Till My Head Falls Off
Bob Dylan - Girl From North Country
Elvis Costello - This Is Hell
Brian Eno - Burning Airlines Give You So Much More
The Clash - Straight To Hell
13. If you could spend the day at an amusement park with one person from the entertainment industry, who would it be and why?
I'd love to go on all the slow rides with David Bowie, and just hear stories stories stories.
The Active Set on Facebook - @theactiveset on Twitter
The Active Set on MySpace - The Active Set on Bandcamp
The Active Set on Facebook - @theactiveset on Twitter
The Active Set on MySpace - The Active Set on Bandcamp
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